Best Trademark Attorney in New York City!

Trademark Attorney New York City

Experienced trademark attorneys safeguard quality brands Trademarks are a significant aspect of any company, large or small. They are a form of identity that maps a certain product or service to individuals or companies. Trademarks may take a number of forms including company names, product shapes and company or product logos. Companies usually require a qualified trademark attorney to offer advice on matters of trademark laws and practice. They advise companies on how they can practice and enforce their trademark rights. They also offer various other forms of legal advice, representations in the event of infringement of trademark rights and advice on trademark design matters.

Responsibilities of a trademark attorney

Trademark attorneys handle a number of legal responsibilities. The most pronounced responsibility for a trademark attorney for a trademark attorney is offering advice and legal representation on trademark issues. They also, research extensively both nationally and internationally on new trademarks and advise on trademark availability. They can be consulted on trademark use and registration as well as design and other copyright issues. Variously, trademark attorneys manage, protect and enforce a number of intellectual property rights. Such include, copy rights, trademark patents, and trademark designs among others. They assist their clients in identifying the kind of intellectual property they have and their nature. They will handle drafting of the relevant contractual papers and compose letters to parties such as the trademark registry and other pertinent partners. They also offer representation on cases on trademark infringement as well as undertake negotiations in such cases. Reputable firms of trade trademark attorneys deal with a number of complex issues to do with trademark matters. They manage quite a portfolio of brands.

Comprehensive representation from qualified trademark attorneys

An experienced trademark attorney can be found at a reputable firm of trademark attorneys. They provide transactional services, litigation and general counsel for large and small businesses. Having handled numerous cases and matters of trademark registration, licensing, intellectual property, real estate developments, business laws, franchising and other legal matters, they ought to have quite an impressive experience rating. A good trademark attorney will offer unchallengeable legal representation and provide the best advice on intellectual property matters- such as advice on copyright-, licensing and registered designs. They will provide legal support on trademark registration, use and the implementation of existing and new trademarks.  They will offer themselves full to the company’s service and invest a great amount of time and resources to ensure the client achieves their objectives. Besides having access to the highest quality of representation and top notch comprehensive legal advice, the client will also be able to appreciate timely and cost-effective services from the best trademark attorneys. Complex cases are accorded personalized attention. Deployment of a comprehensive team of legal experts will be necessary and so is an additional input of relevant resources. The total effect is the most effective and efficient form of legal representation for the client. All this to ensure that brand identity and integrity is protected.

Briefly, trademark attorneys will go out of their way to ensure that the company well guard its integrity and protect its brand identity. 

Practice Areas

Trademark Opposition

Trademark Cancellation

Intellectual Property

Realty transactions

Frequently Asked Questions – Trademark Attorney

How long does a trademark registration last?
For a trademark registration to remain valid, an Affidavit of Use (Section 8 Affidavit) must be filed: (1) between the fifth and sixth year following registration, and (2) within the year before the end of every ten-year period after the date of registration.

What is a trademark and a service mark?

A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name.


How long does it take to register a trademark?
It is difficult to predict exactly how long it will take an application to mature into a registration, because there are so many factors that can affect the process. 


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